Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions - NCOBB vzw

Last updated on 03/01/25

1) General
1.1) These general terms and conditions apply to all members of the association Natural Contest Organisation Bodybuilding Belgium vzw (hereinafter "NCOBB"), hereinafter collectively referred to as "the members".

1.2) NCOBB shall not be liable for any damage, injury, loss or other disadvantage arising from participation in NCOBB activities unless it is the result of NCOBB's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

1.3) NCOBB reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and sporting regulations at any time. Members will be notified of such amendments and will be deemed to accept them by continuing their membership and participation in NCOBB activities.

By transferring payment or signing these terms and conditions, the member declares that they agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document.

2) Anti Doping

2.1) By signing these general terms and conditions, the member of NCOBB declares that he/she will not use any prohibited performance-enhancing product, in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and NADO Flanders.

2.2) The member undertakes to comply with all anti-doping rules and regulations applicable during participation in NCOBB-related activities, including but not limited to training and competitions.

2.3) Anti doping controls are handled in Belgium by the official regional authorities or by the Belgian Olympic Interfederal Comitee. These tests can be held before, during or after competitions, but may never disturb the competition itself.

2.4) Athletes who are called for doping control must present themselves to the doping officials and bring official identification (identity card or other appropriate documents). If an athlete refuses to present himself or provide a valid doping control sample, the athlete will be automatically banned from all sports by the national official doping authorities and will be banned by the NCOBB.

2.5) The member accepts that a positive doping result will lead to exclusion from the organisation and the loss of all results and titles for the current and previous calendar year.

3) Sports Regulations

3.1) The member declares to have taken note of NCOBB's sporting regulations and agrees to the provisions and rules contained therein.

3.2) The member acknowledges that the sporting regulations apply during all activities organised by NCOBB, including but not limited to seminars, competitions and training sessions.

4) Participation in NCOBB Activities

4.1) Members may participate in NCOBB's activities provided that they comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Sports Regulations.

4.2) NCOBB reserves the right to exclude members from participating in activities in case of violation of these general terms and conditions or the sporting regulations.

4.3) NCOBB members should behave with the utmost sportsmanship during competition, in the backstage area and on all public media channels. Towards the infrastructure but also to all other athletes, coaches, volunteers and staff of the organisation. The organisation may decide to exclude a member on the basis of not respecting this sportsmanship.

5) Membership, payment and registration

5.1) Membership and contribution is required to take part in activities organised by the organisation, irrespective of additional costs that the activities include.

5.2) The member will receive a payment notification 1 month before renewal date by e-mail. The member is required to pay this invoice before said renewal date to remain a member within the organisation.

5.3) The member can participate in events and competitions only when registering through the official channels.

5.4) The member can also participate in events and competitions not organised by NCOBB or ICN Worldwide. Athletes who participate in non drug tested competitions will be monitored more closely in regards to anti-doping testing by the NCOBB. Drugged athletes are not welcome in our organisation.

6) NCOBB & ICN Worldwide

6.1) NCOBB is affiliated with ICN Worldwide as a Belgian unit within ICN Worldwide, with the name ICN Belgium. All Belgian athletes wishing to participate in an event of ICN Worldwide or any other national unit within this organisation must meet the conditions set by NCOBB. If an athlete wishes to participate in an ICN Worldwide event, the athlete should first contact NCOBB via email at info@ncobb.com.

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